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199+ Cool French Nicknames for Best Friend with Meanings

199+ Cool French Nicknames for Best Friend with Meanings

French Nicknames for Best Friend: Want a special nickname for your buddy? Explore our sweet, funny, and cool options. Plus, give your phone some French flair with our chic contact names. Ready to find the perfect nickname to celebrate your friendship?

French Nicknames for Guy Best Friend

Here are some French nicknames for a guy best friend, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:

  1. Acolyte (Ah-koh-leet) – Sidekick: Describing your friend as your loyal and supportive sidekick.
  2. Allie (Ah-lee-ay) – Ally: Describing your friend as your ally in various situations.
  3. Ami (Ah-mee) – Friend: A simple and straightforward term of endearment.
  4. Associe (Ah-so-syay) – Associate: Describing your friend as someone you work closely with.
  5. Bon Ami (Bon Ah-mee) – Good Friend: Signifying the strong friendship between you.
  6. Camarade (Kah-mah-rahd) – Mate: Signifying the camaraderie and friendship between you.
  7. Chef (Shef) – Chief: For the friend who naturally takes the lead or loves to cook and command the kitchen.
  8. Collegue (Kohl-lehg) – Colleague: A term for a friend you have a professional or academic connection with.
  9. Compagnon (Com-pahn-yon) – Companion: Describing your friend as your loyal and trusted companion.
  10. Complice (Kom-plees) – Accomplice: Describing your friend as someone you share secrets and adventures with.
  11. Confident (Kohn-Fee-dahn) – Confidant: Describing your friend as someone you confide in and trust.
  12. Confrere (Kohn-freh) – Fellow: Signifying the shared experiences and camaraderie between you.
  13. Copain (Koh-pan) – Buddy: A casual and friendly term for a close friend.
  14. Frere d’ame (Frehr dahm) – Soul Brother: Symbolizing the deep connection and understanding between you.
  15. Frerot (Freh-roh) – Bro: A slang term for a close male friend, similar to “brother.”
  16. Gentilhomme (Zhan-teel-ohm) – Gentleman: For the friend who is always courteous, kind, and a true gentleman at heart.
  17. L’ame Soeur (L’Am Suh-ur) – Soul Brother: For the friend who’s more than a friend, a soulmate in the journey of life.
  18. L’Artiste (L’Ar-teest) – The Artist: For the friend with a creative soul, whether he’s into painting, music, or writing.
  19. L’Aventurier (L’A-ven-tu-ree-ay) – The Adventurer: For the friend who loves exploring, traveling, or trying new things.
  20. Le Confident (Le Con-Fee-dahn) – The Confidant: For the friend you can trust with all your secrets and thoughts.
  21. Le Fidele (Le Fee-del) – The Loyal One: For the friend who has always been loyal and stood by you through thick and thin.
  22. Le Genie (Le Zhe-nee) – The Genius: For the incredibly smart friend who always has the answers or innovative ideas.
  23. Le Protecteur (Le Pro-teck-tur) – The Protector: For the friend who always looks out for you, ready to defend and protect.
  24. Le Reveur (Le Rev-ur) – The Dreamer: For the friend who’s always lost in thoughts or dreaming big for the future.
  25. Le Sportif (Le Spor-teef) – The Athlete: For the friend who loves sports, fitness, and leading an active lifeStyle.
  26. Le Voyageur (Le Voy-ah-zhur) – The Traveler: For the friend with wanderlust, always planning the next trip or adventure.
  27. Mon Complice (Mon Com-pleece) – My Accomplice: For the friend who’s always by your side in every adventure or mischief.
  28. Mon Frere (Mon Frehr) – My Brother: Symbolizing the close bond and brotherly relationship.
  29. Mon Meilleur (Mon May-yur) – My Best: Short for “mon meilleur ami,” meaning my best friend, highlighting his importance.
  30. Mon Pote (Mon Poht) – My Buddy: A casual and widely used term for a close friend, embodying camaraderie and trust.
  31. Mon Rockeur (Mon Rock-ur) – My Rocker: For the friend who loves rock music or embodies the rock and roll lifeStyle.
  32. Monsieur Sourire (Muh-syuhr Soo-reer) – Mr. Smile: For the friend whose smile and positive attitude are contagious.
  33. Partenaire (Par-tuh-neh) – Partner: Signifying your friend as your partner in various activities or endeavors.
  34. Pilier (Pee-lyay) – Pillar: Signifying your friend as a strong and reliable support in your life.
  35. Pote (Pot) – Pal: A casual and friendly term for a close friend.
  36. Rigolo (Ree-go-lo) – Funny Guy: For the friend who always makes you laugh with his jokes and sense of humor.

French Nicknames for Girl Best Friend

Here are some French nicknames for a girl best friend, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:

  1. Alliee (Ah-lee-ay) – Ally: Describing your friend as your ally in various situations.
  2. Amie (Ah-mee) – Friend: A simple and straightforward term of endearment.
  3. Associee (Ah-so-syay) – Associate: Describing your friend as someone you work closely with.
  4. Bijou (Bee-zhoo) – Jewel: For the friend who is as precious and unique as a rare gem.
  5. Bonne Amie (Bon Ah-mee) – Good Friend: Signifying the strong bond and friendship between you.
  6. Chaton (Sha-ton) – Kitten: For the friend who’s adorable and cuddly, but also has a playful side.
  7. Cherie (Shay-ree) – Darling: A sweet and affectionate term for a close female friend.
  8. Cœur d’Or (Kur d’Or) – Heart of Gold: For the friend with a generous heart, always ready to give love and support.
  9. Collegue (Kohl-lehg) – Colleague: A term for a friend you have a professional or academic connection with.
  10. Compagne (Com-pahn-yuh) – Companion: Describing your friend as your loyal and trusted companion.
  11. Complice (Kom-plees) – Accomplice: Describing your friend as someone you share secrets and adventures with.
  12. Confidente (Con-Fee-dahnt) – Confidant: For the friend with whom you can share your deepest secrets and thoughts.
  13. Consoeur (Kohn-sur) – Sisterly: A term for a close female friend who Feels like family.
  14. Copine (Koh-peen) – Girlfriend: A casual and friendly term for a close female friend.
  15. Douce (Dooss) – Sweetie: For the friend whose kindness and gentle spirit make everything better.
  16. Etoile (Ay-twah-l) – Star: For the friend who shines bright in your life, standing out in her uniqueness.
  17. Fille d’ame (Fee-yuh dahm) – Soul Sister: Symbolizing the deep connection and understanding between you.
  18. Fleur (Flur) – Flower: For the friend who’s gentle and beautiful, always brightening your day.
  19. Gazelle (Gah-zell) – Gazelle: For the friend known for her grace and agility, or for being quick on her Feet.
  20. Guerriere (Gehr-ree-air) – Warrior: For the friend who’s strong, fearless, and always ready to stand up for what she believes in.
  21. Ma Cherie (Mah She-ree) – My Dear: A term of endearment for someone very close to your heart.
  22. Ma Moitie (Mah Mwa-tyay) – My Other Half: For the friend who complements you perfectly, as if you were two halves of a whole.
  23. Ma Sœur (Mah Sur) – My Sister: Symbolizing the close bond and sisterly relationship.
  24. Mon Ange (Mon Ahnj) – My Angel: For the friend who’s always there for you, offering guidance and support.
  25. Oiseau Libre (Wah-zo Lee-br) – Free Bird: For the friend who values her freedom and independence, soaring high in her endeavors.
  26. Papillon (Pah-pee-yon) – Butterfly: For the friend who’s always fluttering with energy and brings color into your life.
  27. Partenaire (Par-tuh-nair) – Partner: Signifying your friend as your partner in various activities or endeavors.
  28. Perle Rare (Perl Rah-r) – Rare Pearl: For the friend who’s unique and valuable, a rare find in your life.
  29. Petite Abeille (Pet-eet Ah-bay-y) – Little Bee: For the friend who’s always busy and buzzing with activity, but also sweet.
  30. Pilier (Pee-lyay) – Pillar: Signifying your friend as a strong and reliable support in your life.
  31. Rayon de Soleil (Ray-on de So-lay) – Ray of Sunshine: For the friend who brings light and warmth to your darkest days.
  32. Reveuse (Rev-euz) – Dreamer: For the friend who’s always lost in her thoughts, dreaming big and inspiring you to do the same.
  33. Sœur de Cœur (Sur duh Kur) – Heart Sister: Symbolizing the deep connection and understanding between you.
  34. Sorciere (Sor-see-air) – Witch: For the friend who’s a bit of a magical mystery, always full of surprises.
  35. Tigresse (Tee-gress) – Tigress: For the friend with a fierce and powerful personality, not afraid to show her strength.

Cute and Sweet French Nicknames for Best Friend

Here are some cute and sweet French nicknames for best friend perfect for showing how much they mean to you, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:

  1. Chou (Shoo) – Sweetie/Cabbage: A quirky but sweet term of endearment, showing affection in a playful way.
  2. Doudou (Doo-doo) – Cuddly: For the friend who is as comforting and cozy as a beloved soft toy.
  3. Ma Douce Amie (Mah Doos Ah-mee) – My Sweet Friend: Reflecting their kind and gentle nature.
  4. Ma Fee (Ma Fay) – My Fairy: For the friend who has a magical touch, making everything around them better.
  5. Ma Lune (Ma Loon) – My Moon: For the friend who is a constant in your life, guiding you through the darkness.
  6. Ma Perle (Ma Perl) – My Pearl: For the friend whose rarity and beauty are as unique as a pearl.
  7. Mon Ange (Mon Ahnj) – My Angel: For the friend who always seems to know when you need a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on.
  8. Mon Ange Gardien (Mon Ahnj Gar-dee-ahn) – My Guardian Angel: Signifying their protective and caring role in your life.
  9. Mon Arc-en-Ciel (Mon Ark-ahn-see-el) – My Rainbow: Describing their colorful and vibrant presence.
  10. Mon Bijou (Mon Bee-zhoo) – My Jewel: For the friend who stands out for their uniqueness and preciousness in your life.
  11. Mon Bonbon (Mon Bon-bon) – My Candy: A playful and sweet term.
  12. Mon Caramel (Mon Car-a-mel) – My Caramel: For the friend who is sweet and irresistible, making your life sweeter.
  13. Mon Doux (Mon Doo) – My Sweet: For the friend whose kindness and gentle nature soothe your soul.
  14. Mon Etoile (Mon Ay-twah-l) – My Star: For the friend who lights up your life and guides you like a star in the night sky.
  15. Mon Papillon (Mon Pap-ee-yon) – My Butterfly: For the friend who is always full of joy and brings color into your life.
  16. Mon Petit Cœur (Mon Puh-teet Kur) – My Little Heart: Describing their loving and caring nature.
  17. Mon Sourire (Mon Soo-reer) – My Smile: For the friend who never fails to make you smile, brightening your darkest days.
  18. Mon Tresor (Mon Tray-zor) – My Treasure: Signifying how valuable your friendship is.
  19. Pepite (Pay-peet) – Nugget: For the friend who is a rare find, a true gem in your life.
  20. Petit Cœur (Pet-ee Kur) – Little Heart: A term of endearment for a friend who is dear to your heart.
  21. Petite Fleur (Pet-eet Flur) – Little Flower: For the friend who is delicate and beautiful, blossoming in your life.
  22. Rayon de Soleil (Ray-on de So-lay) – Ray of Sunshine: For the friend who brings warmth, joy, and light into your days.

Funny French Nicknames for Best Friend

Here are some funny French nicknames for best friend that can bring a smile to both you and your best friend’s faces, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:

  1. Bazar (Ba-zar) – Chaos: Describing their knack for creating chaos and messes.
  2. Betise (Beh-tees) – Mischief: Signifying their playful and sometimes naughty behavior.
  3. Boulet de Canon (Boo-lay de Ka-non) – Cannonball: For the friend who enters every situation with explosive energy, often without thinking first.
  4. Boulette (Boo-let) – Meatball: A humorous and endearing nickname.
  5. Boute-en-train (Boo-ta-train) – Party Animal: Describing their lively and fun-loving personality.
  6. Cacahuete (Cah-cah-wet) – Peanut: A cute and funny nickname.
  7. Canaille (Cah-nai) – Rascal: Signifying their mischievous and playful personality.
  8. Catastrophe (Ka-tah-strof) – Disaster: A funny nickname for someone who often finds themselves in amusing predicaments.
  9. Chef de Betises (Shef de Be-teez) – Chief of Mischief: For the friend who’s always up to something, leading the way in shenanigans.
  10. Chipoteur (Shee-po-tuhr) – Nitpicker: Describing their attention to detail and tendency to fuss over small things.
  11. Clown (Klohn) – Clown: Describing their ability to bring joy and laughter to others.
  12. Farceur (Far-seur) – Prankster: Signifying their love for playful pranks and jokes.
  13. Farceur Fou (Far-seur Foo) – Crazy Joker: Describing their wild and hilarious sense of humor.
  14. Fou Rire (Foo Reer) – Giggle: Describing their contagious laughter and humor.
  15. Gaffeur (Gah-fuhr) – Blunderer: Describing their tendency to make funny mistakes.
  16. Genie du Canular (Zhe-nee doo Ka-noo-lar) – Prank Genius: For the friend with a talent for coming up with and executing elaborate pranks.
  17. Gourou de la Sieste (Goo-roo de lah Yes-te) – Nap Guru: For the friend who has perfected the art of napping and is always ready to share their wisdom.
  18. Patate (Pah-tat) – Potato: A playful and endearing nickname.
  19. Pirate de Frigo (Pee-rat de Free-go) – Fridge Pirate: For the friend known for raiding the fridge whenever they visit.
  20. Pitre (Pee-tr) – Clown: Describing their ability to make everyone laugh.
  21. Tornade (Tor-nahd) – Tornado: Describing their energetic and chaotic nature in a playful way.
  22. Trompette (Trom-pet) – Trumpet: A playful nickname for someone who loves to make noise.

Cartoon and Superhero-Inspired French Nicknames for Best Friend

Here are some cartoon and superhero-inspired French nicknames for best friend, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:

  1. Araignee (Ah-rayn-yeh) – Spider: Inspired by Spider-Man, known for his agility and web-slinging abilities.
  2. Batman (Baht-mahn) – Inspired by the iconic superhero known for his gadgets and intelligence.
  3. Araignee (Ah-rayn-yeh) – Spider: Inspired by Spider-Man, known for his agility and web-slinging abilities.
  4. Belle Etoile (Bel Ay-twahl) – Beautiful Star: Inspired by Disney’s Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
  5. Capitaine Courageux (Ka-pee-tan Koo-rah-jz) – Captain Courageous: For the friend who’s brave in any situation, inspired by characters like Captain America.
  6. Cendrillon (San-dree-yohn) – Cinderella: Inspired by the fairy tale princess known for her kindness and grace.
  7. Eclair (Ay-klar) – Flash: For the friend who’s always quick to act or has the ability to make everyone laugh in a flash, reminiscent of The Flash.
  8. Genie (Zheh-nee) – Inspired by the magical Genie from Aladdin.
  9. Heros/Heroine (Ay-ro/Ay-ro-een) – Hero/Heroine: For the friend who always comes to your rescue, embodying the virtues of your favorite superheroes.
  10. Hulk (Hulk) – Inspired by the superhero known for his incredible strength.
  11. Iron Man (Ee-ron Mahn) – Inspired by the superhero known for his suit of armor and technology.
  12. Peter Pan (Pay-tehr Pahn) – Inspired by the adventurous character who never grows up.
  13. Phenix (Fay-neeks) – Phoenix: For the friend who always rises from challenges stronger and more vibrant, inspired by the resilience of the Phoenix.
  14. Super Ami (Soo-pehr Ah-mee) – Super Friend: Signifying their heroic qualities in your eyes.
  15. Thor (Tor) – Inspired by the superhero known for wielding the mighty hammer Mjolnir.
  16. Wolverine (Vohl-vuh-reen) – Inspired by the mutant superhero known for his healing abilities and adamantium claws.
  17. Wonder Woman (Won-dehr Woh-mahn) – Inspired by the iconic superHeroine known for her strength and courage.

Animal-Inspired French Nicknames for Best Friend

Here are some animal inspired French nicknames for best friend, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:

  1. Abeille (Ah-bay-y) – Bee: For the hardworking friend who’s always buzzing around, productive and sweet.
  2. Bichon (Bee-shohn) – Little Deer: Signifying their grace and gentleness.
  3. Canard (Ka-nar) – Duck: For the friend who’s calm on the surface but always paddling hard under the water, handling life with grace.
  4. Chaton (Sha-ton) – Kitten: A cute and playful nickname.
  5. Cheval (Sheh-val) – Horse: For the free-spirited friend with a love for adventure and a strong sense of freedom.
  6. Chiot (Shee-oh) – Puppy: A playful and affectionate nickname.
  7. Chouette (Shoo-ett) – Owl: Describing their wise and knowledgeable personality.
  8. Coccinelle (Koh-shee-nell) – Ladybug: A cute and lucky nickname.
  9. Colibri (Ko-lee-bree) – Hummingbird: For the friend who’s always on the go, vibrant and seemingly never runs out of energy.
  10. Dauphin (Doh-fahn) – Dolphin: Reflecting their friendly and sociable nature.
  11. Ecureuil (Ay-kew-reye) – Squirrel: For the energetic friend who’s always gathering and saving, be it snacks, memories, or trinkets.
  12. Elephant (Ay-lay-fahnt) – Elephant: Reflecting their strength and loyalty.
  13. Gazelle (Ga-zel) – Gazelle: For the graceful and swift friend, always moving with Elegance and speed.
  14. Grenouille (Gre-nwee) – Frog: For the friend who’s adaptable and thrives in any environment, always jumping at opportunities.
  15. Hibou (Ee-boo) – Owl: For the wise friend who seems to have answers to everything and thrives by night.
  16. Koala (Koh-ah-lah) – Koala: Signifying their laid-back and easygoing personality.
  17. Lapin (La-pan) – Rabbit: Signifying their energy and vitality.
  18. Licorne (Lee-korn) – Unicorn: For the unique and magical friend who stands out for their rarity and beauty.
  19. Lion (Lee-on) – Lion: For the brave and noble friend, often the leader of the pack.
  20. Loup (Loop) – Wolf: For the friend who’s loyal and protective, always ready to stand by your side.
  21. Ours (Oor) – Bear: Describing their protective and caring nature.
  22. Panda (Pahn-dah) – Panda: Reflecting their adorable and playful nature.
  23. Panthere (Pan-ter) – Panther: For the friend with a mysterious allure and graceful strength.
  24. Papillon (Pah-pee-yohn) – Butterfly: Reflecting their colorful and vibrant personality.
  25. Pingouin (Pan-gwan) – Penguin: For the friend who’s cool under pressure and brings warmth and loyalty to your friendship, just like a penguin’s bond.
  26. Poisson (Pwah-son) – Fish: Reflecting their adaptability and fluid nature.
  27. Poussin (Poo-sahn) – Chick: Describing their youthful and lively nature.
  28. Renard (Reh-nar) – Fox: For the clever and cunning friend, always full of brilliant ideas and witty remarks.
  29. Souris (Soo-ree) – Mouse: A cute and endearing nickname.
  30. Tortue (Tor-tew) – Turtle: For the friend who takes life at their own pace, embodying wisdom and patience.

French Contact Names for Best Friend

Here are some French-inspired contact names that beautifully reflect the bond between best friends, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:

  1. Ame Sœur (Ame Sur) – Soul Sister/Brother: For the friend who understands you deeply, as though you share one soul.
  2. Ami(e) de Cœur (Ah-mee(d) duh Kur) – Heart Friend: Signifying a deep emotional bond.
  3. Ange Gardien (Anj Gar-dee-an) – Guardian Angel: For the friend who looks out for you, offering protection and guidance.
  4. Aventureux(se) (A-ven-tu-rer(ks)) – Adventurous: For the friend who’s always up for exploring new horizons and embracing the unknown together.
  5. Bonheur (Boh-nuhr) – Happiness: Reflecting the joy they bring into your life.
  6. Boussole (Boo-sohl) – Compass: Representing guidance and direction in life.
  7. Brise (Breez) – Breeze: Symbolizing their refreshing and comforting influence.
  8. Cœur d’Or (Kur d’Or) – Heart of Gold: For the friend whose kindness, generosity, and pure heart stand out.
  9. Complice (Com-pleece) – Accomplice: For the friend who’s always ready to join you in adventures and mischief.
  10. Confident(e) (Con-Fee-dahn(t)) – Confidant: For the friend with whom you share your deepest secrets and thoughts.
  11. Douce Moitie (Dooss Mwa-tyay) – Sweet Half: For the friend who sweetens your life, always there to share the joys and sorrows.
  12. Epaule (Ay-pohl) – Shoulder: Symbolizing support and reliability.
  13. Gardien(ne) de Cœur (Gar-dyehn(d) duh Kur) – Heart Keeper: Indicating their role in protecting your emotions.
  14. Gardien(ne) des Souvenirs (Gar-dee-an(n) des Soo-ve-neer) – Keeper of memories: For the friend who holds all your shared memories and moments.
  15. Harmonie (Ar-moh-nee) – Harmony: Indicating a balanced and peaceful friendship.
  16. Joie de Vivre (Zhwah de Vee-vruh) – Joy of Living: For the friend who embodies the love for life, making every moment count.
  17. Joyau Precieux (Zhwa-yooh Pray-see-uh) – Precious Jewel: Signifying their value and importance.
  18. Lueur (Luh-uhr) – Glow: Symbolizing their positive energy and impact.
  19. Meilleur Ami (Meh-yuhr Ah-mee) – Best Friend: A classic and straightforward choice.
  20. Moitie (Mwa-tyay) – Other Half: For the friend who complements you perfectly, making you whole.
  21. Mon Roc (Mon Rock) – My Rock: For the friend who provides unwavering support and stability in your life.
  22. Partenaire de Rire (Par-ten-air de Rear) – Laugh Partner: For the friend who shares your sense of humor, always bringing joy and laughter.
  23. Pilier (Pee-lyay) – Pillar: For the friend who is a fundamental support in your life, always reliable and strong.
  24. Raison de Sourire (Ray-zohn duh Soo-reer) – Reason to Smile: Reflecting their uplifting presence.
  25. Rayon de Soleil (Ray-on de So-lay) – Ray of Sunshine: For the friend who brightens your day, always bringing positivity and warmth.
  26. Rire (Reer) – Laughter: Denoting their ability to bring joy and laughter.
  27. Rocher (Roh-shay) – Rock: Symbolizing strength and reliability in tough times.
  28. Secret (Suh-kray) – Secret: Denoting the trust and confidentiality in your bond.
  29. Source d’Inspiration (Sors d’An-spee-ray-shon) – Source of Inspiration: For the friend who motivates and inspires you to be your best.
  30. Tresor Rare (Trez-or Rar) – Rare Treasure: For the invaluable friend, precious and unique in your life.

Best Friend Names in Different Languages

  1. English: Best Friend
  2. Spanish: Mejor Amigo/Amiga
  3. French: Meilleur Ami/Amie
  4. German: Bester Freund/Beste Freundin
  5. Italian: Miglior Amico/Amica
  6. Portuguese: Melhor Amigo/Amiga
  7. Russian: Лучший друг (Luchshiy drug) / Лучшая подруга (Luchshaya podruga)
  8. Mandarin Chinese: 最好的朋友 (Zuì hǎo de péngyǒu)
  9. Japanese: ベストフレンド (Besuto Furendo)
  10. Korean: 최고의 친구 (Choegoui chingu)
  11. Arabic: أفضل صديق (Afḍal ṣadiq) / أفضل صديقة (Afḍal ṣadiqah)
  12. Hindi: सबसे अच्छा दोस्त (Sabse acchā dosta) / सबसे अच्छी दोस्त (Sabse acchī dosta)
  13. Turkish: En İyi Arkadaş
  14. Dutch: Beste Vriend/Vriendin
  15. Swedish: Bästa Vän
  16. Greek: Καλύτερος Φίλος (Kalýteros Fílos) / Καλύτερη Φίλη (Kalýteri Fíli)
  17. Polish: Najlepszy Przyjaciel/Najlepsza Przyjaciółka
  18. Vietnamese: Bạn Thân Nhất
  19. Thai: เพื่อนที่ดีที่สุด (Pheụ̄̀xn thī dī thī̀ s̄ud)
  20. Hebrew: חבר/ת הכי טוב (Chaver/et HaKhi Tov)

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